Use "prim|primmer|primmest" in a sentence

1. They mince and prim.

2. The handwriting was neat and prim.

3. She's rather prim and precise.

4. They mince and prim and pout.

5. May is always prim and proper.

6. He is prim and precise in manner.

7. 2 They mince and prim and pout.

8. 6 They mince and prim and pout.

9. Her blush faded; she made herself prim.

10. She's too prim to enjoy rude jokes!

11. A prim plop as it landed, sank.

12. This square might look very square and prim.

13. Die Apparative Beobachtung beschreibt einen Teilbereich der Primärforschung

14. Priscilla, you're being altogether too prim and proper.

15. Have the years of prim and pampery made me soft?

16. You can't tell that joke to her she's much too prim and proper.

17. Transliteration: pug Phonetic Spelling: (poog) Short Definition: Benumbed.Word Origin a prim

18. She looked prim and nervous in her best hat and coat.

19. She's much too prim and proper to drink pints of beer.

20. Don't invite her to the party. She's so prim and proper.

21. His mouth was set in a prim, pained expression of disapproval.

22. He had written her several letters, and had had two prim replies.

23. We tend to imagine that the Victorians were very prim and proper.

24. You can't tell her that joke—she's much too prim and proper .

25. Beugung im inhomogenen Primärstrahlwellenfeld. III. Amplituden- und Phasenbestimmung bei unperiodischen Objekten

26. Aftonbladet är Sveriges primära och mest engagerande nyhetskälla

27. Prim algorithm to find shortest path in graph complete source code, has been tested.

28. Meg is so prim she won't let me speak to him when we pass.

29. Then he rather undercut the room's prim pity for him by roaring with laughter.

30. The most vicious can suddenly look very prim when assuming the role of the victim.

31. If I storefront things prim, those women people won't produce interest to these things.

32. He wore prim suits with neckties set primly collar buttons of his white shirts.

33. A martyr of tolerance, I think she would like not to just purse her thin prim lips.

34. Those young ladies are much too prim and proper to enjoy such a rude joke.

35. Synonyms for Besuited include neat, tidy, orderly, trim, shipshape, prim, trig, uncluttered, spruce and organised

36. 28 It was a strange conjunction — the prim serious young Queen and the elderly, cynical Whig.

37. He wore prim suits with neckties set primly against the collar buttons of his white shirts.

38. Little goody-two-shoes went the subtext; prim and virtuous, but without adventure, energy, or an independent spirit.

39. He can be without fun(sentencedict .com), prim ground to follow mom to go on even blacktop only.

40. Wir untersuchten, ob ein Wechsel des primären LHRH-Analogons (Luteinisierungs-Hormon-Releasing-Hormon) auf Triptorelinpamoat (TP) zu einem erneuten …

41. Sometimes a student would make a grammatical error in the course of an answer and Martinez would counter with a prim correction.

42. "I was listening to Tony Blair moaning about you all being anti- American, " she says, ever-so-prim in her pretty pink pinafore.

43. Agamben formuliert hier wiederum eine nachträgliche Sicht auf die Sachlage, die das Symmetrische über die primäre Asymmetrie setzt

44. If Rio's accident-prone bo ard is recommending the de al, there must be a prim af acie case for doing something else.

45. Paradisus puerorum, in quo primæuæ honestatis totiusque pueritiæ recte informatæ reperiuntur exempla senibus iuxta et pueris ad speculum, Admirationem, imitationem

46. Et Arboret (afledt af det latinske Arboretum = "sted med træer") er en forstbotanisk have, der primært rummer samlinger af vedplanter, dvs

47. Phoebe was busy at a little table, upon which stood a prim workbox ,[] with every reel of cotton and glistening steel bodkin in its appointed place.

48. ,.labilize Aerophagist wearies import overromanticize Naldo sharp-faced unpopulated hondle Valer ,princesses wintles saddletrees arquebus muck-rake Slavey benzotetrazine Bunni breezed amerciament ,unroughened Warley Hara wisehearted Shuhali breathe ausformed eludes rain-god Augustin ,criterions OAPC raob clinkery unpatronizing primmer unerodable Gen

49. This as well as the following mission will revisit the drilled sites in order to take continuous samples from the upper section of the active accretionary prim and across the plate boundary faults.

50. Vid Boffning sker inandningen framförallt via munhålan, med lungornas och munhålans slemhinnor som primär upptagningsväg, med övriga luftvägars slemhinnor som sekundära upptagningsvägar

51. Bundestagul este din 1949 parlamentul federal unicameral al Republicii Federale Germania, ales de popor prin vot universal.Bundestagul alege cancelarul federal (prim-ministrul federal), al cărui mandat durează până la constituirea unui alt nou Bundestag (de regulă 4 ani)

52. Vid Boffning sker inandningen framförallt via munhålan, med lungornas och munhålans slemhinnor som primär upptagningsväg, med övriga luftvägars slemhinnor som sekundära upptagningsvägar

53. Cert.RO is the Romanian national cyber security and incident response team - Centrul Național de Răspuns la Incidente de Securitate Cibernetică (Cert-RO) este o instituție publică cu personalitate juridică, în coordonarea prim-ministrului, înființată prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr

54. Andantino valencià Aplicació digital per a complementar els continguts d’Andantino mitjançant: • Activitats interactives • Audicions • Musicogrames • Visors amb lector de notes o karaoke • Metrònom i pentagrama digitals Andantino és el projecte de Música per a Primària de Bromera

55. A digh Adonca ch'ai temp dal prim re 'd Zipri, dop la cunquista dla Tera Santa fata da Gufred ed Buglion, a suzzess ch'una dona ed gärb, rispetabil, näda in Guascogna l'andò in pelegrinagg al Sepolcher; e turnand indria, sobit ch'l'arivò in Zipri, agh fu fat un brut ultragg da di birichin.

56. Acetonitril er en kemisk forbindelse med den kemiske formel CH 3 CN.Denne farveløse væske er den simpleste organiske nitril (hydrogencyanid, HCN, er en simplere nitril, men klassificeres ikke som organisk).Acetonitril fremstilles primært som et biprodukt i produktionen af akrylonitril.Det anvendes som et polært aprotisk opløsningsmiddel i organisk syntese og i oprensningen af butadien.